Swiss C-Maske
The Swiss FEGA C-Maske was the civilian version of the Swiss GM-33. Unlike its predecessor, it was made of smooth green rubber, and the filter was attached directly to the mask. This example was made by Feuerschutz Gasschutz around 1938.
Maske = "Mask"
Feuerschutz Gasschutz = "Fire Protection Gas Protection"
Similar masks in my collection: Swiss GM33
Stamp on cheek "0135"
Date stamp on cheek "2. 39"
Manufacturer stamp on metal filter connector/valve assembly "FEGA"
Manufacturer stamp on metal eye ring "FEGA"
Stamps inside mask "2354" "INCA"
Filter manufacturer, model, and date stamps top view "FEGA" "11-4-39" "CIVILE" "134"
Filter bottom view
Metal canister top view
Metal canister bottom view "FEGA"
Metal canister side view
FEGA lens inserts package
Lens insert instructions in German, French, and Italian