Davis Type M-1 Gas Mask

The Davis Emergency Equipment Company Type M-1 used an orange molded rubber facepiece based on the Kops Tissot Monro (K.T.M.) design. The M-1 features a 10 inch hose leading to a 650cc filter canister. The mask is marked with the Bureau Of Mines stamp "B M 1408". It was stored in a metal box with the Davis logo on the front, and instructions for use on the inside cover. This example was made in 1935.
Similar masks in my collection: U.S. Army M1A2 Service Gas Mask, YorkCo Smoke & Ammonia Mask

Bureau Of Mines approval stamp "B M 1408"

Patent stamp inside mask "PATENT K APP. FOR"

Rubber stamps inside mask "2" "5"

Manufacturer stamp on head harness "DAVIS SAFETY"

Manufacturer stamp on head harness "DAVIS EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CO.INC. NEW YORK.N.Y."

Instructions on head strap "TEMPLE" "ADJUST THESE STRAPS FIRST"

Stamp on head strap "FOREHEAD"

Stamp on head strap "NECK"

Exhale valve with metal cover

Hose clamp stamp "37"

Filter side view

Filter bottom view

Inspection tag "No 2080 INSPECTION Type 4106 Inspector R. Walder Date 3-7-35"

Instructions inside box lid