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Scott Industrial Gas Mask

The Scott Industrial Gas Mask was made of black rubber and featured a clear plastic panoramic lens, with an S-shaped exhale valve cover. This example has had its hose cut short, so it is unclear what filter it was originally equipped with. It was made by Scott Safety in 1957.
Similar masks in my collection: Scott Chin Style, MSA ClearVue Chin-Type, MSA ClearVue Model "S", U.S. Air Force MBU-13/P

Rubber stamp
Date stamp on cheek "57 IX"

Rubber stamp
Manufacturer stamp on forehead "Scott LANCASTER,N.Y.U.S.A.

Rubber stamp
Manufacturer stamp on head harness "SCOTT LANCASTER, NY., U.S.A." "C" "3" "E-57" "CR-3014"

Manufacturer label on forehead "Scott"

Rubber stamp
Stamp on head strap "FOREHEAD"

Rubber stamp
Stamp on head strap "NECK"

Exhale Valve Cover
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